Another year, school year that is, has come to an end. I made it through my 7th year of teaching! It was an interesting year. I took on some new challenges and had some interesting experiences. My 7th year will definitely go down as one of my more challenging years in education. I seem to have been sucked into the world of committees and leadership. For example, I am on the faculty council, the department chair, mentor coordinator, and a new teacher mentor. Those are on the school level. I am the Content Specialist for the Fine Arts for the School District and last I am on the State Wide Art Partnership Board. Oh yeah, somewhere in there I am also a teacher! I had two student teachers this year to help ease the burden of me being gone all the time for the many, many, many meetings I attend. It really was a crazy year. BUT NOW .... it is behind me and I am Summer Sari! Summer break is an absolute necessity for teachers. We need to recoup and recharge for the next year. Seriously, this job sucks the life out of you! So, I have my list of summer projects that I want to get done. It took all of .... one day for me to get into my summer schedule. I LOVE summer break! I fully intend on making this a great summer!