I was asked, "What INSPIRES you?"
That question got me to thinking ... What does inspire me? When do I feel inspired?
Autumn is a time of year that I often feel inspired. I love the colors of Fall. There is something magical about the light this time of year. Have you ever looked at the mountains at just the right moment, when the sunlight is coming across the valley and hitting the mountains .... it sorta sucks the air right out of you (in a good way)? Suddenly your whole soul just feels inspired! The air feels different this time of year. It is still warm but has a crispness to it. Inspiring! Maybe it is knowing that winter is coming. It will soon be time to stay inside, I start to get the bug to make things, to create. I don't feel that way any other time of year. Just Autumn.
Just a thought.
I had this conversation with my student teacher. For two art teachers this is a pretty normal conversation I think. I told her how after I had been asked, "what inspires you?" I had been thinking about it all weekend and how it made me think, how many people NEVER think about this, how many people never wonder what inspires them? (do you think about it?) Does everyone feel inspired? Oh I hope so!