Sunday, November 28, 2010

Gobble Gobble AZ Style

Thanksgiving started with a little family Turkey Trot .... well and in Christensen style
(ok we actually started with pie the night before)
Everyone was FBing about how cold Utah was, well we had a pretty fantastically beautiful day. Thanksgiving and palm trees don't really go together for me but it sure was nice for a change.

Thank goodness we had my mom for a couple of days ... she was able to make our pie crust. I made our usual Pecan pie. Em and I decided to try something new. We came up with a chocolate (Jennie's usual) and coconut cream (the two together ... perfect!). Oh yum! It was so so delicious!
Leftovers! Looks like we made plenty of food.
After dinner we headed to the park. Dad and I had to take advantage of this beautiful day. We know that is not what we are heading home to.
The best part was when Cloe saw some leaves on the ground and got all excited to see some Autumn leaves. She used my phone to take a picture. Yep, they are Arizona girls!

I really am THANKFUL for a wonderful family. Thankful for Emily and Gavin for having us. It was a much needed break for me. We had a lovely day.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

El Tour de Tucson

It worked out just right that the weekend before Thanksgiving there was a bike race in Arizona .... and Emily lives in Arizona! It was great motivation to keep me training after most of my races were over and the weather was changing. We decided to shoot for the 66 miler (which ended up being closer to 68 ...but who's counting).
Gav's brother and sister-in-law rode with us too.
Next year we are wearing team jersey's!
It was an exciting day. 10,000 participants! The starting line was crazy. We sat on the side just waiting for it to clear out a bit before ducking in.

Em and Gav were very fun to ride with. My chain fell off TWICE (my chain has NEVER come off) and they were very nice to wait for me. We all stuck together and enjoyed the experience. It wasn't exactly easy ... they were serious when they said the course was hilly and the wind did not help ... BUT all and all it was a beautiful day.

Mile 43 (they are backwards)! Our second of two rest stops. Still smiling and feeling good. Such a fun event! I can't wait to do another one ... with the rest of the fam!
Oh how I love my bike.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Friday Night Project

Sometimes I get together with my sisters and mom on a Friday night to whip out a skirt for the holidays. (you totally do that with your sisters? Right?) Ok .. so Dan ended up doing half my skirt (your brother-in-law jumps in and finishes your sewing projects all the time .. right?) and I didn't actually finish it. I will post a pic when I am done.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Many Thanks

Friends Thanksgiving Dinner
It is such a great tradition that this group of friends has.
I remember the first year I was invited to this event. What an honor. Look how things have changed ... and yet they seem to stay the same ... in a good way.
Many THANKS for all those who work so hard for this event! I have so many amazing people in my life.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Pumpkin Lover

I happen to be a fan of just about anything pumpkin. (learning to like pumpkin soup ... DB did make a DELICIOUS pumpkin soup on Halloween) I have a new favorite snack that I found on this site. (one of my new favorite sites!) I have adapted it a bit. Thought I would share it for all you pumpkin lovers out there. Total plus ... super healthy!

Almost Pumpkin Pie
(deceiving name)

1/2 cup pumpkin puree
1/2 cup cottage cheese
sprinkle with cinnamon and pumpkin pie spice to taste (or you can use nutmeg)
Stevia to taste (I also add a little pure maple syrup sometimes)
toasted pecans or walnuts. I like a lot of nuts.

Mix it all up and enjoy.

I will warn you that it looks kinda gross ... ok really gross. But it is pretty yummy and is good for you. A perfect Autumn afternoon snack!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Oh Sister!

Sometimes you show up at your sisters house and it turns out you are wearing the same outfit. (that happens all the time with your sisters ... right?) We called Emily in AZ and she was wearing the SAME shirt! NO WAY! YES WAY! And then you go to take a picture and she takes a bite of a sour apple that she just picked off her tree.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Derby Queens

The oh sooo lovely DERBY QUEENS!
Halloween 2010
The Roller Derby Queen and the Demolition Derby Queen
The dream couple! The Demo Derby Queen with the Derby Champ.
I am pretty sure we are the envy of the west side.

Moving on ...