Sunday, December 26, 2010

20 Years!

It is my favorite weekend of the year!
Beck comes to town for a few days. I take a day off work. We eat and talk. Pedicure is a must. Shop and maybe talk some more. The finale ...
This is our twentieth year doing this party (hello Oprah!). How many girls are so lucky to have friends for that long. These are girls who know you and love you
Taking our group picture is always an event ... and very entertaining. My abs were aching by the end. We are funny! At least Beck and I think so according to this picture.
We spend the night catching up, getting and giving advise, giggling and reminiscing. We exchange gift and have a fabulous dinner. Sleep .. not so much (I think it was almost 4 am this year. Aren't we too old for that?)
Friendships are renewed and love shared. We are reminded how lucky we are to have such great people in our lives. Here is to 20 more years!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

A First

Merry Christmas to me!
I got my FIRST speeding ticket.
"Wow, you have a perfect record. Sorry to ruin that."

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Winter Solstice

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Wood Burning 101

My new project .. wood burning!
(thanks Em for the fun project idea)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


I finished my skirt!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Dear Santa

Just a couple ideas for my Christmas gift.

*Gray boots from Nordstrom (I just really want them cause I love them!)
*Wheat Grinder
(for my domestic side)
*Mac eye shadow (jest and goldmine) (so I can look pretty)
*Camera (so I can take pics on my amazing trip this summer)
*Ikea picture shelf (to go with my new bed)
*SoniCare toothbrush
(mine died .. and I care about my hygiene)
*Running shoes (maybe it will motivate me to keep running)
*Blend Tech Blender (so I can make smoothies and stuff to be healthy)
*New car (I can put it on the list ... dream big!)
*Oh and ..... WORLD PEACE! (of course I want THAT)

Merry Christmas!