There are many important things parents are responsible for teaching their children; don't steal, tell the truth, hygiene, social norms, etc ... Shouldn't the simple act of saying
"Please" and
"Thank You" be amongst the list?
I have been aware lately of the children
(young and old) around me who use or don't use these simple words. When a person says 'please', and to me more importantly 'thank you' they are showing respect. Respect for the person they are addressing, respect for the act being done in their behalf. I will admit that I in turn have more respect for the person.
I don't believe that saying 'please' and 'thank you' is a very hard thing to teach. I believe it is a matter of doing the teaching. I have a handful of students that at the end of each class will say 'thank you' as they leave my classroom. It is a conscious effort on their part. It is such a small and simple act, yet one that is very much appreciated. We live in a very 'entitled' society. One lacking respect, responsibility, consequences. The simple words 'please' and 'thank you' can go a long way. Just like most things ... it starts at home! If it is expected at home, it will be done in public.
Stepping off my soap box.