Saturday, June 25, 2011

Summer Projects

One of my favorite things about summer break is getting some projects done. I have made good use of my summer so far. Project #1 DONE! I got these shelves put up with a little of my pottery displayed on them. I love it!
On going project ... lots and lots of pool time!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

9 Years!

9 years of teaching that is!
It wasn't a bad year ... or a really great year. It was a fine year and I gladly take that! I have a really great job. I am a lucky girl. One of the best parts of my job are the people I work with. Three years ago Ruth was my student teacher. We hit it off from the get go. She was a LIFE SAVER! I had a tough year and don't know how I would have done it without her. We were SO lucky to have her join us as a full time teacher the following year. Ruth quickly became a dear friend. I can't think of much that I have not talked to Ruth about. We have run races together (Race for Red and just last week the UV half) {She is an amazing runner!} She was part of my PC team last summer. We do Bountiful Baskets together. We chat, and discuss everything when it comes to students and teaching. Why the tribute? Ruth is leaving me. She gets to be a stay at home mom. I knew it was coming, but that has not made it any easier. I will miss her more than words can say. I am so grateful for my dear friend and all that she has done for me! Ruth, Sari, Lacy
Halloween 2010

While I will miss her I am also really excited for this new chapter in her life.

Sunday, June 19, 2011


My first official week of summer has been fabulous! I have gotten projects done, lots of cleaning, biking, running and of course pool time.There are a couple key events that make summer .... summer. The Strawberry Days Rodeo is one of them. I get giddy even thinking about it.
Strawberries and cream ... HEAVEN! The rodeo ... ENTERTAINING!

The subjects of these pictures are not Sari and Dave, it is Kim in the background trying to, um, act natural?
She has been taking acting classes. At some point she just put up a blanket. Ha, it looks like a school picture backdrop. Always good times when Kimi D is there!
I sure do love love love summer break!
I am very good at it don't you think.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Born to run ... ?

... I'm not so sure about that.

After months of training it was here!
Utah Vally Half MarathonIt's the crack of dawn and time for the race. My good friend Ruth joined us for an early morning. This is not an event I ever thought I would be doing. But there I was.
I am not going to lie, it was HARD! By far the hardest race ... harder than Alcatraz, any tri or bike race, I have done!But I did it! I did it! It is always more fun to share the experience with someone. Peter and I did a lot of our training together, he was so patient and supportive. I am lucky to have such an awesome brother! Shan did the marathon ... AND she qualified for Boston ... again! She is so amazing. Sure am proud of my friend. I have to take a moment to thank Jennie and my Mom. I know this is not their thing but they have been so supportive of me and Pete and our crazy endeavors. It adds so much to the experience to have "fans". There is some kind of boost you get when you have someone cheering YOU on. (I am sure I can back that up with some kind of scientific study.) So THANK YOU! We promise not to sign up for any more races .... for a few weeks anyway.

I am so glad I did it, I am SO glad it is done!
As I was slugging through those last couple miles I SWORE I would never do this again!
but .....

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Summer Sari

Summer Kick Off Weekend!Kim came into town for my first weekend of summer. We enjoyed a lovely night with friends at the Roof Top Concert Series. (We started by eating at my fav, Guru's) Look how BEAUTIFUL the mountains are.

Saturday .... First Pool Day!
The pool is ..... the key to my happiness. I LOVE the pool, I LOVE the sun, really I just LOVE summer!
Happy summer! (eek! It is summer!)