I am DONE!
I have officially completed my masters degree in educational leadership and administration!
Let's take a look back over the last couple of weeks ... leading up to this moment.
Remember when Kim made me this paper chain? June 12 seemed forever away!
With TEN days to go I started a countdown. This was exciting stuff!
Those were a crazy ten days; papers to write, finishing my remodel, going to a administrators conference in Park City, Beck coming for a visit .... I certainly did finish this adventure with a bang!
Before I knew it (even though it had been the longest 14 months of my life! One of those weird time things ya know!) My time with these great people had come to an end. Such bitter sweet emotions. Going through grad school in a cohort is pretty great! I adore each one of these guys and gals. I can honestly say that we carried each other through this program.
My rocks!
I owe my making it through this program to these two girls (no, for real!) I would have never made it without them! I may be a little ... or a lot co-dependent on them now. I am not sure how I am going to make it through the day or week without a constant stream of text. But who says we have to!
While I am soooooo glad to be done with school and papers and homework, I am going to miss MCKB 319, wearing nice yoga pants and cream cheese and crackers!
I can honestly say that this has been the hardest year of my life. Don't ask me to explain why or how ... it just has. I can also say that I don't regret doing it because I have learned so much, not just book learning but about myself. One of the greatest things I learned in getting my masters degree is that I can do really hard things. Much harder than I ever thought! And I think that is a pretty great thing to learn!
Of course I owe a huge thank you to my friends and family that supported ... but mostly put up with me during the last 14 months. Ugh! I was not fun! But they loved me and encouraged me anyway. So thank you!
I am looking forward to having a life again, being fun again, and seeing what adventures await me!
"This Too Shall Pass"
LPP Cohort #27