I am in my 5th year of teaching at PGHS. I teach ceramics, honors art and AP art history. I love teaching high school. I have so many great stories but I will save those for a later post. One of my favorite things about being a teacher is summer break! I love my summers and have tried to make the most of them. This last summer was awesome! It kinda had to be .... summer before last I went to Thailand, Cambodia and Korea. (notice the blond hair)

The summer before that I was in Tahiti and New Zealand. Another great trip. New Zealand was so picturesque and cold! This was one of the most fun trips I have been on. We went jet boating, spelunking, hiking, and hot springs. It was so fun.

So as you can see I had had some great summers! So this past summer needed to live up to the rest ... and it did!
I hit the summer of 2007 running ... well swimming actually. Just days after school got out I headed to San Francisco to swim in the Escape from Alcatraz Shark Swim. My brother Josh and I were doing this together for the second time. We had a great week in San Fran together. Josh got married a couple years ago and moved to North Carolina so spending a few days in a fun city together was priceless. We ended the week with our swim. It was great! I finished in 48 minutes (just one minute behind Josh) that was 10 minutes faster than my previous time. We would love to get a group together and do the race again ... so if anyone is interested let me know!
I had just one week between San Fran and heading to Europe for a Grand Mediterranean Cruise! Oh my gosh! What an amazing trip! My art history teacher world came to life this trip. We started in Barcelona and then over the next 12 days went to; Marseille, Livorno, Rome, Capri, Mykonos, Istanbul, Kusadasi, Athens, and Venice. I was with three great friends ... Jennie (the one with me on all of these trips) Stacy and Kara. What a great 4-some we made. We have countless memories from this amazing trip. After the cruise Jennie, Stacy and I went to Ireland and Austria. My favorite place we visited was Turkey. I can't wait to go back. Istanbul is a beautiful city.
Seven cities in three weeks. So amazing! After every trip I feel like a changed person. I love experiencing different cultures and seeing the world. After this summer I think I am up to 21 countries ... and counting.
The day I was traveling home my first nephew was born. James Tanner Christensen. We are so excited to have a little boy in our family. I got home ... attempted to recoup and then headed to North Carolina to snuggle my new baby. My mom and I spent two weeks at Josh and Lisa's. They have such a beautiful home. It was fun to see where they live and get to spend some time with Tanner. I can't wait to see him again at Thanksgiving.

I suddenly have found myself at mid-term of the first term of the 2007-2008 school year. Time really does fly. I am department chair this year. I am on the Statewide Art Partnership board. I am a new teacher mentor. I am on the faculty council. I am the art club advisor. I participate in a teacher group called Associates. Some day I will learn to say "NO"! Needless to say I keep very busy. But don't worry ...there is always time for The Office and Gray's Anatomy. So here we are on September 30, 2007. This is not where I ever dreamed my live would be but it is a good life. In fact it is a great life! You are now all caught up to speed ... for the most part.
Sari- great update! So you have a nephew named Tanner and that is what we named our baby! I haven't really heard of anyone with that name! He is a cutie! You are one lucky girl- enjoy the freedom to go where you want when you want and travel- my life now consists of traveling from the bedroom, to the living room, to the toyroom, and back and forth holding a screaming baby and trying to entertain a 2 year old at the same time. Welcome to blogland- I look forward to hearing more from you!
Sari, It's so fun to have you amongst the bloggers. I love this picture of your new nephew... I hadn't seen him yet! What a cutie. We love you Sar!
I am so impressed...I told you that you have a way more interesting life then most of the rest of us!! WOW way to live up the summers~!!! and if I am not pregnant next summer I think it might be fun to take on the Alcatraz challenge with you guys!!
See? I told you that you would have interesting things to write about. Your life is a travel magazine. xoxo
Long Live GM 2007!!!!
Hi Sari!!! It's Rebecca from Westfield(or that's how you would remember me :) I actually have checked Natalie's blog for your name on her list of blogging friends and was excited to see your name added :) I love how you are living your life to the fullest! You are so lucky to be able to do these fun trips during your summers(one of the best things about being a teacher :) I love your blog :)
P.S. You can check out my blog- www.whatsupwiththelutters.blogspot.com :)
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