Wednesday, April 2, 2008

"Are you an artist too?" .....

.... is a question I am asked all the time. I usually hesitate, ho and hum and then end up saying, "No, I am just an art teacher." Why is that how I respond? This is something I have been thinking about and want to change.

As most of you know I come from a family of artist. So when people ask me that question I assume they are asking if I paint like my dad and sisters and the answer is no. But just because I don't paint does not mean that I am not an artist! I am an artist! I create ... just my like dad and sisters create ... just not the same way. (take that BYU magazine!) At the very least I spend eight hours a day, five days a week creating art, teaching art, talking/discussing art, studying art. Not only do I create art, I am creating artist.

I am not in any galleries. I don't do any art shows with my dad. I do not make a living selling my art. Being an artist is not my identity. I am an artist because I love making things. I love creating a bowl out of a lump of clay. I love writing in a hand bound book that I have made with my own hands. I love giving and sharing something that I have created. I love coming up with a new idea. I love making something that is useful and beautiful. I love teaching my students to not only to make art but to love art.

I may not paint but that doesn't mean I am not an artist. I like that I don't do the same thing as my sisters and my dad. I love that I am a teacher and I love that I am doing my own thing. So the next time I am asked, "Are you an artist too?" With confidence I am going to say, "Yes, I am an artist!"

This is a water pitcher I made recently.


KA said...

Absolutely you're an artist. I'm shocked that you ever thought otherwise.

kesli said...

Well put! I think there is an artist in each of us - to one degree or another.

Morgan said...

way to go Sari!! i too am shocked you would think otherwise. there are so many different kinds of artists in the world... musical, dance, pottery, paintings, etc.

Kat said...

And in my house I proudly display the pots, candle-holders, books and other artistic gifts from you -no different than the Christensen, Barney, and McPhie's hanging on my walls. Ok so I should probably thank you and your family for decorating the house!

Ashley said...

And an incredibly talented artist!! Your creations are always so impressive to me.

Unknown said...

Right on! I love what you create.

Kari said...

I love your what you creat too! You definitely are an artist and one of the most talented girls I know!!

mylittlegems said...

um you are definitely an artist. I have several things you made me from glass- ornaments, braclet, etc. and I always think of you and how talented you are! Love the little pitcher!

C*K*J said...

And a very talented artist at that!!!

Chandra said...

Amen Sari! I've always thought of you as a fabulous artist! And I love your stuff!!!! And I love the way you see life, so creative. Sari, you know your my favorite. Dont tell Em and Cas... hee hee (But Im still waiting for my pot... dont worry, my mom will be there tomorrow!) :-)

Shannon said...

Look at all of the lucky people who get to recieve "art" from you!! thanks sar, your my favorite artist. I would DEFinitely say that word defines you.(I too, think I am an artist... crayons with Cozy count, right?)

Unknown said...

Forgive me for commenting, but I think this was a beautiful post. I love how you describe your own little epiphany. I think you are a delightful artist and a great example of how we should look at ourselves without comparisons to those around us. I struggle a bit with comparing myself to my lovely mom and sisters (sis-in-laws included). Thanks!

Renee said...

Oh but you are an artist and I love how you describe yourself. You are funny! Any luck buying a car? For some reason that just came to mind...sorry for the random question!

jennie said...

I agree with all of the other comments. Your brother, like you, is also an artist. Although he is an attorney, he is STILL an artist, and would much rather watercolor, sketch, or create than do just about anything else. You have each been blessed with an amazing amount of creativity and talent and are unique all on your own!!! I'm with Sunny, it's time to stop comparing! I love the pot, and I LOVE YOU!!!

Unknown said...

I love the pottery! I need to come out there so you can teach me... I want to learn from an artist! great post!

Natalie said...

If you aren't an artist, I don't know who is!!

Chris Grover said...

i covet that pottery! it's beautiful!! this made me feel really good because i am sooo not an artist in the drawing/painting way, but i think any time you let your creativity out, in whatever form it comes out in, that's art. so everyone is an artist in some way or another! so thanks for justifying my non-artistic attempts at art!

bulkleybunch said...

say it loud and proud sari!!!! (this is hollie, your old italy buddy) um so when i read the byu article when it came out i got a little huffy because it made no mention of you. so let's go egg the byu magazine's house or something!!!! i'm a total blog stalker btw so set to private if you're getting scared right now!!:)

pamela said...

sari, you can't imagine how i love this post and keep rereading it.

MTDA said...

Hey Sari,

This is Mike Loveland I just found your blog through Pete and Jennie.

Anyway, I honestly have always considered you an artist, I have told my wife that everyone in your family is an artist except Josh.

Your dad showed me your Mom's drawings once, so I am counting her too.

Anyway, it was good seeing you at the Thiebaud show.