Friday, February 29, 2008

I need to buy a new car. I currently have an Audi and my warranty expires in March. I really like my car but it has had a lot of problems and is way expensive to fix! Where I need help is ... what kind of car should I get. I would love to get another Audi but don't want the problems I had with this one. I want a car with all wheel or 4 wheel drive. I would like to keep it in the $20-25,000 range.
Any suggestions???


Morgan said...

we have a honda cr-v which is all wheel/ 4 wheel drive, and it is so nice in the winter. you can fit 4 adults comfortably, which is why we got it, for road trips and such, and has lots of cargo space. i LOVE it, it drives so nice and gets pretty good gas mileage for an suv type car. also it's a honda, and you can't go wrong with those! i think suburus are also nice and have all wheel drive as well. good luck!

jennie said...

I agree with the above comment, we opted for the Pilot to fit more people. I know Kristen really likes Volvo's, but I don't know how expensive they are to fix. I'm a Honda girl, but I don't think the accords have all wheel drive. So that won't help you.Are you talking new, or used?

Anonymous said...

HONDA or TOYOTA and that is all I have to say!!! (ok maybe not:)) If you don't ever want your car in the shop....that is the only way to go! I drive my cars to the ground (as you know) I drove my Honda for over 200k miles and it was NEVER in the shop (cept the upkeep) my Toyota is over 120k miles and again, no money put into it and it's 8 years old.

C*K*J said...

I LOVED my subaru, but apparently some people think the wagons are "lesbian cars"??? aware! Of course, nobody told me this until AFTER I bought my Outback Wagon and then I heard it several if you buy a subaru, buy a outback 4 dr sedan. They are cute and apparently for straight people???
Infiniti also makes a AWD sedan that is awesome, but I think they may be a little pricey.
Good suck!

Kat said...

I am really liking that new Acura RDX. Its a little bigger than the CRV but smaller and zippier than the Pilot or MDX and you get better gas mileage. Call Jon, he would love to help ya. I know you can keep that Audi if you really want...just buy an extended warranty - or just get a new one and buy the warranty when you get it. You know we are total Honda/Acura peeps, but Jon is quickly falling for his A4 and you could get an s-line just like his for right around 25. He's even thinking about buying his after the lease. I know. Jon. One car for longer than two years. crazy.

mylittlegems said...

SAri- I agree w/ the comments- HONDA or Toyota is the only way to go. We have had very very good luck w/ these cars! good luck!

laura said...

you should get a ford escape hybrid. they're super cute and what could be better than saving some money at the pump? that's what we'd have if we didn't have a crew of people now. wow, i have so many kids. ha ha ha ha ha ha.

Eva Jane said...

get a bike... it will solve all the car problems you will ever have.

Daniel said...

Sup, Sar?

I've never commented on your blog before... so, um... SURPRISE!

I'd totally go with a Subaru WRX or Outback Sedan. Honda's are great... but unless you get an SUV with AWD (which isn't going to get as good of mileage) you're going to be in just front-wheel drive. I love my Honda Civ... but I'd definitely rather have AWD for the winter weather.

Or you could splurge and get a Dae Woo! HA HA!

KA said...

Right, I love a Volvo. But, sadly, they're not so much in the $25,000 range.

Bry Cox said...

I totally see you on a motorcycle...driving from town to town solving crimes like 'Renegade.' Yup. That's the vehicle for you. :-)

But then again, I really like my Hyundai. Rated sometimes first, sometimes second to Honda, but less expensive, and they have good lines.

Layne & Kellie said...

I had a Honda and they are great cars. Never had to get it fixed. Though we did change some belts in the engine just for mileage purposes. So anything Honda is safe. I drive a Subaru Outback... it is all-wheel drive and I love it!