It seems a little early in the year to be needing a break ... but I really did! Fall Break did not disappoint. I would like to thank the local weather man for pulling through with such delightful weather for the entire weekend. It was simply perfect. I had a long list of things to accomplish.
I painted my front door. (a chore on my list for two summers)
I got shelves put up in my garage!!! (5 1/2 years on the wish list) So then I got to clean out and organize the garage.
Glorious .. love it! I keep going out there to get .. stuff, cause I can!
I went up to the cabin for a little R&R. Hey look, they are filming a movie a just down the street with Diane Keaton and Kevin Klein. This is the set for some of the out door scenes. It was pretty cool to see.
After checking that out for a bit Dad and I went on a little hike. Probably our last of the year .. until snowshoeing! It was still so beautiful. We might have .. maybe sorta missed the trail and ended up tromping through the forest for a while. But not worries Dad knew where we were the whole time.
(Oh my isn't this pretty! I sure did take this WHILE riding my bike, very skilled)
Jessie came down for bike ride. It was the most perfect weather for a ride. We went to the west side for a 30 miler. I did my best to enjoy as much outdoor time as I could. After our ride we headed straight to In'n Out. It was such a great day!
I thoroughly enjoyed my time off. Gosh I am good at not working!