Set up your gear in the transition area
Swim a half mile
Bike 12.2 miles
Run 3.1
All that makes a girl hungry!

The Yuba tri was a very fun race. I did pretty good considering I didn't really train. Laura and Kim rocked another race.
It was fun to have started the season doing a race with them ... and finish the season with them!
The best part of the day was having Hun there to cheer me on. She drove all the way down to Yuba lake to see me race and ride home with me so I wouldn't have to drive home alone. When I asked her if she was SURE she wanted to do that .. you know what her response was ... "I am your sister. Sure!" She means the world to me! It made the race all the more fun having her there.
You are amazing!! I will definitely have to try a triathlon next summer!
AWESOME! You are amazing!
Oh stop that, you'll make me cry.
I'm a proud sister.
I am so proud! Love that Cass came to support, what a good sis.
I miss you, need some Sari time.
You are amazing! I am so eager to learn to swim and do one next spring. Women of Steel... I'm gonna get registered THIS year!! Way to go Sar!
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