Wasatch Back Ragnar Relay Race
As much as I talk about not being a runner ... what was I thinking signing up for this? A challenge, an adventure? That's what I was thinking!
(runners 1-6 ... van 1. Starting line. So fresh and clean!)
I team, 12 people, 3 running legs. 2 vans. Logan to Park City.

Totally wiped out!
I team, 12 people, 3 running legs. 2 vans. Logan to Park City.

As a total bonus ... it was such a pretty run.
Just getting ready for my last run. An easy 4 miler. It is about 10:00 AM and already HOT! We have been on the course for 24 hours now. This is fun? Heck yes it is fun!
Casey was our driver. He was AWESOME! PRICELESS!
"Road Kills"

When you pass someone on the course.
We ended up with a hundred and something. That's right ... watch out .. you just got passed by a "chick"
Some how this gives you crazy motivation when running in middle of the night.

Van 1 ... We did it!!!
These girls were such a blast to race with. I could never have done something like this without them. They were so supportive and encouraging.
(not so fresh and clean)
Team Karaoke Chickens coming across the finish line.
We did get to cross paths and even met up with van 2 on the race course. We stopped for a quick photo opt while they had a runner out. They rocked the running! Good job everyone!
188 miles ... 31 hrs 45 min.
One crazy adventure.
WOW. I totally forgot about Ragnar. Thats amazing!! Maybe we'll get a PG group and all run it next year? That looks like so much fun!
Thank u thank u for inviting me to be on your team, I just absolutely loved it! ...and love you my girlfriend forever!!!!
IMpressive!! I did look like you guys had a lot fun!
Awesome job Sari! I volunteered at the East Canyon Park exchange. I kept my eye out for people I know, but only saw the girl the does my hair. So much fun! I loved volunteering...I'll leave the running up to you guys.
Awesome Sar! Can't wait to hear all about it.
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