I don't know how many of you know that I am a big Denver Broncos fan. I know! You would never have taken me as a sports person. The truth is ... I'm not really. Only when it comes to the Broncos. How? Well for starters, my uncle Lou played for the Broncos back in the 70's. So all growing up I cheered for the Broncos. When they went to the super bowl we had big parties at uncles Lou's house. So if I ever had to pick a team my obvious pick was the Broncos. And then a few years ago I dated (insert big eye roll with a little shake of the head here. Ha ha ... it's ok ... I do it to) a guy from Denver who was a big fan. So that got me into watching the games regularly and actually knowing a little about the team. To every one's surprise when the love for this boy faded ... my love for the Broncos did not! I truly look forward to Sunday's when I can curl up on the couch and watch my game. Sports is so much more fun to watch when you have a team! But here is the thing ... we totally SUCK this year! We got spanked last night. I am not losing hope just yet .. but come on. It is very hard to be a super fan when your team sucks! I don't know how long I can keep it up. So come on Broncos! Step it up!
So funny..Who knew? I'm a big Broncos fan too! Well... it could be worse, Chris is a huge St Louis Rams fan and they are 0-8. Yep, thats right..they have yet to win a single game this year! Ouch!
Ok .. I feel better now. :) I didn't know you were a Broncos fan. If they somehow pull it together and make it to the play offs we should have a game watching party!
absolutely... I'm Lovin' all this Bronco LOVE! THe Bronco's rock! Ok, maybe not this season, but hopefully they'll pull through. I love all teh Denver sports teams... I still claim 'em!
You have just described why 98% of the world's Red Sox fans were NOT fans before the 2004 season.
And Yankee fans get accused of being on the bandwagon?
i definitely wouldn't have pegged you for a sports fan, even though it's just the one team. sorry your team sucks! we are totally NOT into sports at my house. not that i don't like them ok, but i have to say, i am so grateful that my husband isn't one to have to watch "the game"!
Thank goodness the love for the Denver boy faded! Does he read this blog?? I'd better be careful.
Yes ... thank goodness! I have no idea if he reads this ... I doubt it. I don't know how he would know about it. Wouldn't that be funny!
GOOOO BRONCOS!!!! Boo San Diego kicker!!!
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