Shannon: I have known Shannon since we were three years old. There has never been a time since then that we were not friends. Shannon is such a good, kind person. She never talks bad about people. She is always happy and calm. I have such admiration for her and am very grateful to have had a friend like her in my life.
Missy (Melissa, but I still call her Missy): I met Missy in the fourth grade. Missy is a blast! She is always up for fun and can make you laugh and laugh! I can always count on Missy for a good time. Missy is such a strong person. She will say it like it is. I often go to Missy for advice because I know she will give it to me straight! She is the kind of friend everyone needs!
Kim: I met Kim in jr. high. Kim is a doll. She is one of the most positive people I have ever known. No matter what kind of wrench in thrown into her situation she will come out on top with a smile. She is always up for a good time. I just adore her! :)
Jill: I have known Jill since kindergarten. My memories with Jill are endless. We were attached at the hip. From midnight runs to Wendy's to tromping around Europe together. I have so much history with Jill that it makes picking up where we left off so easy. I love that she knows me so well that I can say anything to her and know she will take it exactly how I meant it. Now that is a friend!
I have been blessed with amazing friends! I realize how rare it is to still be so close to my "high school friends." When yo
So our Vegas trip was a lot of fun. The six hour drive flew by as we talked without taking a breath. Jill lives in Vegas so it was fun to meet up with her and see her cute boy Pax. We hit two shows. Ka and The Body. Ka was ok. I would recommend other shows before that one. For how much we paid we were all a little disappointed. The Body is amazing. If you ever have the chance to go to one of these exhibits you should! You gain such an appreciation for your body. The trip went by way too fast and we were home before we knew it! Thanks girls for an a great weekend! Thanks to all the husbands that babysat and made it possible for us to have this little girls trip. To the girls that didn't make it ... you missed out!
Cheese Cake Factory ... yum!
Trip Highlights
* SHOPPING It is so great to be able to shop with girlfriends. You want someone to say, "don't get that, it makes you look fat."
* LAUGHING We laughed so much.
* CATCHING UP We caught up on every ones lives and the lives of everyone else. I heard peoples names that I had not heard since high school.
* PICTURES Missy and Shannon taking pictures of themselves while getting ready to make sure they look good on camera. Kim and I were on the bed eating treats.
* EATING We ate such yummy food. On more than one occasion we had to unbutton pants to make room.
* POOL TIME We only spent a little time by the pool. Missy stayed covered by multiple towels because she is so white. We mostly watched drunk guys picking up on girls. Pretty entertaining!
* SHARING I love that we can share our hopes, dreams, fears and sorrows with each other.
* CLOTHES One night I had on Missy's jeans and shoes and Kim's socks. It was just like the good old days.
* SLEEPING PILLS You know we are getting old when at midnight we passed around the Ambien.
* PUMA This might be one of those 'had to be there moments' We walked into the Puma store and Missy asked if they had children's shoes. The worker said, "I don't think you would be interest because I don't want to have to walk all the way back there." WHAT? Isn't that your job. We laughed about that one for hours.
*FAST AND SLOW Kim and I walk much faster than Shannon and Missy. We lost them several times. We were glad we slowed down to see Missy get in an argument with a drunk guy about who got to walk on the sidewalk. Something about him being a boy scout????
*MEMORIES Adding more memories to our book!
Looks so fun! Don't you love good friends! It's been a while since Vegas.. Remember when we went with Lee, Conlee, Ry, who else?? That was fun! Glad you had a good weekend!
Yea! I've been looking forward to this post! What a dang fun weekend...I can't wait to do it again soon!
Thanx for being so dang great! Love ya!
I need to know how to get a hold of Jill! I would love to touch bases with her. I am so glad that you had such a great time. Thanks for posting the darling pictures. Girlfriends are the best! :)
Which cheesecake did you get?
We just got the original cheesecake.
Renee I will have jill email you on your blog.
I'm prob the best friend out of all your friends.........right Sari?! j/k You forgot to mention the fact that you spent Saturday night on the bathroom floor checking yourself out in the mirror just waiting and wondering when your next poop or barf would come!
You mentioned in one of your posts that you were a "blog stalker" I'm new to all this. How do I become a stalker? btw looks like I'm on my way.... have a great fake name already!!! (no clue how to change it) Loves, Melissa
Love the trip highlights! Made me laugh out loud (as did Missy's comment). What a fun trip!
Love the stalking name Miss....
Hey. Read my post. You're like, the most obvious person to get travel advice from......
What a fun trip and I love that you highlighted each of your friends. I don't know Missy and Kim well, but I heart Jill and Shannon.
Hey I have been a slacker and haven't checked your blog for forever. Thanks for all the kind words I love you too!! Your the best and I had a blast. I was thinking of you cause the Christmas Party is tomorrow night!
Yahoo! Can't wait to read your post on this grand event.
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