Well today is my 33rd birthday! Holy crap I am thirty-something! Like most of you, my birthday makes me think about my life (with my birthday and new years being a day apart I sure do a lot of analyzing, contemplating, and goal setting this time of year!) As I was going to bed last night I asked myself the basic questions; am I happy? Overall .... yes I am. I am so so so blessed. I enjoy my job, I have a nice home (my townhouse is dang cute!), I have gone and done things that I have wanted to do, I own my car (just had to throw that one in :) I have a wonderful, supportive family, and I have amazing friends. I truly feel that I have made the best of my 33 years. I really don't have any big regrets. Am I where I want to be? This is a hard one. Are we ever really there? There are a ton of things I could do better. I always feel that I could step it up a notch. Am I content? Not really. Just an honest answer. I feel so good about my past accomplishments but I am very ready for the next thing ... whatever that is. I feel that life is made up of mile stones; getting an education, establishing a career, buying a house, getting married, having children, etc. Then you put the cherries on top ie. traveling, furthering your education, swimming Alcatraz (the big goals), all the things that make you ... you! I feel like I have hit all the major milestones that I have control over. I feel that I have put a lot of cherries on top of my ice cream sundae. So now what? I think grad school is going to be in my near future. Mr. Wonderful (as my mom calls him) is welcome to walk into my life! Until then ... I will keep adding cherries to my sundae! Bring on 2008 and being 33! I hope to make it a great year! I had my little family party last night.

Thanks mom for NOT using 33 candles!
I had some little helpers in opening my presents.
Delia, Clementine, Talulla, Cloe, and Tanner

Lot of fun stuff from my family! Thanks everyone!
Looks like fun! You sure have accomplished a lot in your 33 years - I cannot wait to see what life brings you in 2008!
Happy Happy birthday Sar!!! You are amazing, seriously! I hope you are having a GREAT day!!!! We love you!
ash, ry, & ryley
happy birthday! I actually remembered and was going to send you an email- but let this count :) Loved the C-mas card. I hope you had a very happy one!!
Happy Birthday! 30 is the new 20 you know.
Happy (late) Birthday!
love the post, and love you. I'm all for more cherries on your sundae. xoxo
Let me add some cherries to your sundae with a big old "HAPPY BIRTHDAY"!! Thanks for always hitting the birthdays before I have to. Love you tons!!
who would know you are 33?! You look awesome and are the most hip 33 year-old I know! :)
Your Mr. wonderful is going to be so wonderful... I'm excited for you! For now, travel all you can for those of us with little kids. LIVE IT UP :)
Happy Birthday Sari! I know it's late...but I just now got caught up on your recent articles.
Hey Happy Birthday, even though I'm a bit late!! Hope it was a good one!!
You are the BEST! No one adds cherries like you and I love it. It was great to see you last week. We should meet for lunch regularly! What is the middle.....Vegas?? ummm...we should think about that :)
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