One of the coolest things I have ever done is swim in the Escape from Alcatraz race in San Fran. My brother, Josh, and I have done it together twice. It was the best feeling to have finished something that challenging. Well we want to do it again this coming summer and we want YOU to do it with us! We think it would be so fun to
actually, this would be way fun. it could be part of my post baby weight loss program, as well as a great excuse to visit my fam in Sacramento and my sis in the bay area!! my cousin has done this a couple of times, and of course his mother and my grandma freak out cause they think he will get eaten by a shark or something. how many miles is it? one or two? i was a swimmer growing up, so I think I could handle it!
Morgan you should totally do it! You have tons of reason to do it! It is 1.5 miles. My mom kinda freaks out too. I just remind her that when 800 people jump in the water ... all shark or any other sea life swim away! It really is super fun and would be even more fun with a group. Plus I would love to have some friends to train with. Seriously think about it!
tempting... but not tempting enough!! Maybe we'll come and cheer you on, but that water is just not for me :)
Yay! Hi Sari! Ummm I'll tell my ever so athletic sister in law about the swim. I dont think you recall last summer when I tried to climb timp with Jon and Josi and I almost died. Well not really, but it was hard.
ok, so i have really been thinking about this. nate thinks that long of a swim would be crazy, but you would too if you saw how he swam! ;) haha, j/k where do you train? do you belong to a gym?
I go to the Orem Rec because they have a 50m pool. It is kind of expensive so I have thought about joining Golds. For non-swimmers that is a long swim ... for swimmers it is just medium. It takes me a few weeks to work up to that distance. I hope you decide to do it!
Yeah right, I can barely make it in and out of my bathtub without being winded! You go girl - but count me out! I cannot wait to hear the update on this one and see more fun pictures. I am so impressed with all that you do! :)
man, that would be oh so fun. but i would seriously drown. i did the spudman triathalon years ago and I was the second to the last girl out of the water. And yes, a team competitor who started after me beat me out of the water. i'll just cheer you on from here. have fun!!! I think it is so cool you do it!
I have nothing but respect. And it would be delightful to escape from Alcatraz. But alas, I cannot swim.
wish i could join you! the pic collage on my blog was done using bighugelabs, but if you are on a pc you can do it on picasa. good luck!
Um... Can I say "no thanks" with some explitives and still have you know that I appreciate the offer??
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