Sunday, March 9, 2008

Deer in the headlights!

I had a first for me this weekend. My friend Jennie was in town visiting for the weekend. We were on our way to the cabin for a sleepover and of course snowshoeing! We were driving up on Friday night and just after we turned off the main highway on the Sundance road ... we hit a deer! For how many times I have driven that canyon between the cabin and working at Sundance I had never hit a deer! It was crazy! It happened to so fast. Lucky for us the deer hit the front right bumper and not head on. I guess we were pretty lucky that not only did nothing happen to us but nothing happened to Jennie's rental car. Hopefully this first will be my last and only! Very exciting!


Kat said...

Holy cow! I am so glad you're ok. There was a guy in our ward who just hit a deer and it was $6,000 damage to his car!

Chandra said...

Tanner said you should have grabbed your shot gun and followed the deer into the woods to put it out of it's misery if you broke its leg or something... so get on that ok? ha ha ha

Ashley said...

Yikes! That would freak me out! There were so many deer just roaming along on the freeway on the way to Denver, crazy! Glad you guys were ok.

mylittlegems said...

So I'm glad you are ok. I hit a cougar in a rental car once at Lake Tahoe and it didn't do much to the car either! Thank goodness this was the same case for you!

Chris Grover said...

scary! i am always freaked about hitting a deer too! hopefully that will be your first and last experience! it was so good to see you last night at the rio!

jennie said...

I didn't know a deer could do.. this. (guffman)