Missy tagged me a while ago. I think she is starting to take it personally that I have not done it ... so here it is
10 years ago: I was at BYU and getting ready to go on a study abroad to Europe
5 things on my to do list today:
1. Walk 10,000 steps
2. Grade one of the stacks of projects sitting on my desk
3. Get my art history lesson ready for Monday
4. Go to the grocery store
5. Post my car for sale
5 Snacks I enjoy:
1. Chocolate covered raisins
2. Diet coke
3. Pringles
4. Cereal
5. Chips & Salsa
5 Places I have lived:
1. Orem
2. Pleasant Grove
3. Rexburg Id
4. Italy (for a summer ... does that count?)
What would I do if I were suddenly made a Billionaire:
A billionaire??? Oh man. I would travel, go back to school, buy a BMW, travel, pay my families houses off, travel, get a maid and a cook, travel, teach community art classes for underprivileged kids, travel! I have said before that I would be a very good trust fund child! Some people would get bored .. not me!
5 jobs I have had:
1. Sundance Resort
2. Teacher
3. Educator for SWAP
4. Sears
5. Brainstorm
5 Things you didn't know about me:
I don't know that there are five things that you don't know about me ... let me think ...
I have a fear of being hungry
I LOVE to scuba dive
I am a candy person not a chocolate person
When it is not light but not dark in a room it gives me anxiety! Anxiety lighting
I really can't stand mouth sounds.
I am a total candy person too! I'd rather have like a Smartie then a piece of chocolate... And I also hate anxiety lighting... ugh.
oh don't even remind me of what you were doing 10 years ago.makes me sad it was that long ago.
I love this! I want to learn more! :) I'll take candy also... with a side of chocolate.
you will really have to get spence to make you some of his awesome salsa. grandpa buzz used to make it and now spence has mastered the art. hit him up for some, you'll be addicted.
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