Saturday, December 29, 2007

Snowshoeing Pictures

We had another great day of snowshoeing. My brother Josh and his wife Lisa visiting from North Carolina joined us.

I fall down a lot! I was only about 10 feet from the car.

Me and my Dad

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Let it snow!

One of my favorite things to do with my dad is to go hiking and snowshoeing. Yesterday we went for our first snowshoe adventure of the year. Now when we go snowshoeing we do not go along a marked path. Oh no .... we hike a mountain. Not only is it a lot of fun it is a great workout. Our hike yesterday was a hard one! Dang there is a lot of snow. We take turns being in the lead as it is the hardest position to be in. The idea is that each person takes the lead for about 20 steps and then you trade. I seem to fall down a lot so he would end up passing me as I rolled around trying to get back up (not easy in six feet of snow with snow shoes on!) So I end up taking about 10 steps as the lead person.

I love going on these adventures with my dad because it is just to the two of us. My dad and I can talk for hours. About anything and everything. We talk about art (an obvious one) for example, yesterday as we were hiking we were noticing how beautiful the sky was. The clouds were very orange as the sun was setting against the blue sky. Blue and orange are complementary colors. Probably the clouds look more orange because of the blue. Does everyone have that conversation with their dad? We talk about religion, politics, things that bug us and things that we like. We wonder how deer walk through this snow without snowshoes. Of course we talked about how all the bears are hibernating so I didn't need to be scared of being attacked. I love that I have this unique relationship with my dad.

The best part of snowshoeing is coming down! On the steep parts you just sit down and slide. We call it the slide for life! I'm sorry I don't have any pictures. I will get some next week when we hit the mountain again!

Merry Christmas everyone!

Friday, December 14, 2007

What is that smell?

So the other day I was at school. I kept smelling this really strong perfume smell and wondered if I had really put on that much perfume. I didn't think that is how my perfume smelled ... but oh well. Oh my gosh ... what is that smell? It was nice but way too strong! On my way home I smelled it again! It IS me! As soon as I got home I changed my clothes. Laying in bed that night I smelled it again! Oh my gosh ... what is that smell? Is it my hair product? The next day ... the same thing! This smell was following me ... haunting me! After the second day of my nose burning I figured it out! The smell is my new deodorant!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


I have mentioned before how blessed and very lucky I am to have such amazing friends! We all met in junior high and 20 years (boy that makes you sound old!) we are still friends. Our sophomore year of high school we started a tradition. Every year we go up to our cabin at Sundance and have a Christmas party sleepover. We exchange gifts, eat, laugh, talk, and renew friendships. This is the 17th year that we have done this. People (Beckie and Jill) come from out of town. Babies are left at home (thank you husbands!) and for one night we are giggly girls again. We all look forward to this nigh all year long. There is no other time that I get to laugh that hard. We are all very funny!

As a group of friends we are as diverse as they come. From religion to politics, single or married, kids and no kids, interest and goals. The one common ground we stand on is our unconditional love for each other. I respect and admire each of these girls. These are the truest friendships their are. We may not talk every day but we all know that in an instant each one of them would be there for you. My life has been so blessed by having them as my friends.

Thanks girls for another fun Christmas party! LYG!

It was a winter wonderland! After a lot of digging we all got out.

We met when we were 3 ... 30 years ago!

Comparing pictures, catching up, hanging out

Forever friends!

Laughing and laughing and laughing all night long! (this was not posed)

The two pregnant girls

Monday, December 10, 2007


My sister "tagged" me. Apparently that means that you have to write 6 little known facts about yourself. Then tag someone else. One of my sister's tagged the other sister six times .. so she would have to write 36 things. She got about half way and then tagged me with the other half. I don't usually do these kinds of thing but 1. I am a very competitive person. So I am basically doing this to out do the ones that have gone before.

2. I do NOT have a placenta in my freezer nor will I EVER have a placenta in my freezer. (for further explanation see my sister's blogs.

3. I am the tallest girl in my family ... making me 5'4"

4. I have been to 21 countries and 40 states.

5. I hate peppers.

6. Most of the words on my "words I don't like list" start with the letter "P"

7. I was born with a very good self-esteem. If you know much about my life you know why I would say that.

8. I secretly love the band Air Supply. Actually ... it really isn't so secret.

9. My favorite snack is Pringles, Diet Coke, and chocolate covered raisins .... all together.

10. My biggest pet peeve is when people waste my time! Oh I just hate that!

11. I love to scuba dive!!!

12. I am really really scared of bears! This fear has gotten worse and has really put a damper on hiking ... which I love to do.

13. I am 100% financially independent. (that is for a few certain people who think my parents fund parts of my life)

14. My biggest fear (bigger than bears) is being alone forever. Maybe that is why I am nearly 33 and "alone".

15. Last one ... I HATE talking animals!

Ok .. sister, is that enough to cover ya? Pretty much what you will get out of this is that I am the coolest girl you know! For the sake of keeping this little game going I am going to tag my brother Peter. I would include my brother Josh but he doesn't have a blog nor does he actually read blogs.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Up for a challenge?

One of the coolest things I have ever done is swim in the Escape from Alcatraz race in San Fran. My brother, Josh, and I have done it together twice. It was the best feeling to have finished something that challenging. Well we want to do it again this coming summer and we want YOU to do it with us! We think it would be so fun to have a big group to do it with. So if you are interested in a challenge ... join us! You have plenty of time to train. How cool is it to say that you have escaped from Alcatraz! Here is the link to the registration. Check it out. If you have any questions leave a comment. Come on! It is way fun!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

I have yet to become a big online shopper. But ... I was recently introduced to a "delightful" website (thank you Morgan) called It has such fun stuff. I love all the 'eco-friendly' products they have. If you are looking for some fun/unique Christmas gifts you should check it out.