I fall down a lot! I was only about 10 feet from the car.
Me and my Dad
I have mentioned before how blessed and very lucky I am to have such amazing friends! We all met in junior high and 20 years (boy that makes you sound old!) we are still friends. Our sophomore year of high school we started a tradition. Every year we go up to our cabin at Sundance and have a Christmas party sleepover. We exchange gifts, eat, laugh, talk, and renew friendships. This is the 17th year that we have done this. People (Beckie and Jill) come from out of town. Babies are left at home (thank you husbands!) and for one night we are giggly girls again. We all look forward to this nigh all year long. There is no other time that I get to laugh that hard. We are all very funny!
As a group of friends we are as diverse as they come. From religion to politics, single or married, kids and no kids, interest and goals. The one common ground we stand on is our unconditional love for each other. I respect and admire each of these girls. These are the truest friendships their are. We may not talk every day but we all know that in an instant each one of them would be there for you. My life has been so blessed by having them as my friends.
Thanks girls for another fun Christmas party! LYG!
It was a winter wonderland! After a lot of digging we all got out.
We met when we were 3 ... 30 years ago!
Comparing pictures, catching up, hanging out
Forever friends!
Laughing and laughing and laughing all night long! (this was not posed)
The two pregnant girls