Thursday, October 4, 2007

Stop and Smell the Roses

Last night I received some heartbreaking news. Josh's best friends wife, Joy, got a sore throat over the weekend. The day after her sore throat started she noticed random bruising on her body. She headed into insta-care where they took some blood test. The next day the insta-care called and told her to get right to the hospital. She has a rare and very aggressive form of Leukemia. This kind of cancer hits very quickly with no warning. She is now in the hospital undergoing treatments. At this point she has a 40% chance of survival. Everyday that she makes it her odds go up. Every minute counts. If she does survive she will be in the hospital for at least a month. Joy and Kenny are wonderful people. They have 5 children, the two youngest are twins that I think are about a year old. Every day for this family is a gift at this point as Joy literally fights for her life. Our lives can change in an instant. In my busy life I know that I spend so much time looking ahead and not cherishing today. I challenge each of us to "stop and smell the roses" today. Give your kids an extra hug. Enjoy the crisp fall air. Call that friend you have be meaning to call. Live today to the fullest! My heart goes out to Joy and Kenny and their family. My thoughts and prayers will be with them as they go through this challenge.


Ashley said...

wow Sar, that's so sad... I was talking to a friend of mine today who also had some pretty devastating news. As I listened to her my heart just broke, and I found myself crying the whole way back to my house. I talked to Ry about it when I got home and was just saying how blessed we are and how easily we take that for granted. It's true, we do need to stop and smell the roses more... And also spend more time on our knees and thank our Heavenly Father more for all He has blessed us with.

PJC said...

It's true we are always looking to tomorrow to start enjoying our lives. When this project is done, or when this activity is over, then I will be happy. I would dare say some of us spend our entire lives waiting for tomorrow to enjoy what we have.

Cassandra Barney said...

My heart skipped a beat when I read this. I'm so sad. They are beautiful people. I'm glad I have you for a sister and WE need to not forget how GREAT that is.

rebecca said...

As I have been blog-surfing today, I came across Leah Young's(a KCOM med student wife) blog posting the same thing as Joy is her cousin. So now I feel that since I have seen this post twice in an hour, I need to add her and her family to my prayers! Prayer is the strongest medicine!!

jennie said...

Thanks for your reminder for us to pray for her. I too, have been overwhelmed with how short life can be as my best friend, Alisa, is struggling with cancer. What a heart break it is, yet at the same time, how inspirational it is. It's good when we can all learn from other's trials.