Saturday, October 20, 2007

Vote NO!

Vote AGAINST Referendum 1!

Yes I am using my blog to push a political issue :) As a public school teacher I am highly against Referendum 1! Let me give you a few facts ....

* Private school vouchers will give you UP TO $3,000. There is not a private school in Utah (that I know of) that you can go to for $3,000. I think Waterford School is somewhere around $15,000. What does this mean? It means that this voucher DOESN'T really give lower income people the opportunity to choose private school. My tax dollars are then going into the pockets of people who can already afford to send their kids to private school. Why am I paying for people to go to private school?

* This program DOES take money away from public schools and DOES NOT lower class sizes. School budgets are based on student enrollment/attendance. If you take students away from a public school their budgets go down. When their budgets go down they have to let teachers go. If you can't afford more teachers your class sizes don't go down. I hope that makes sense.

* The private school voucher people lead you to believe that the additional money allotted for students will be reallocated into the school system. This simply isn't true. Their adds are very misleading!

* 96% of Utah kids attend public school. Is there any question where the money should be going?

I want to say that I am NOT anti private schools. There is definitely an argument for attending private school. My little sister went to private school her junior and senior year. I saw first hand the advantages and disadvantages of private school. I just don't think I/we should be paying for! If you want to send your child to private school ... great! But that is your choice so you should pay for it!

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. You can also get more information from This is such a big issue that public school organizations in Arizona and Wyoming are getting involved in fighting against Referendum 1.

What can you do? You can VOTE and VOTE NO on Referendum 1!

I am now stepping down from my soap box. :)


jennie said...

With ya Sari. Thanks for the info.

Morgan said...

this sounds a lot like a commercial i just saw!! ;) I totally agree though!

that is so crazy that you know Mike and Sarah, it is a small world. but I am so glad you found our blog, i too love blogs and don't know what we ever did without them.

Renee said...

Thanks for backing me up - I have been doing a lot of research on this issue and am with you 100%. Thanks for all of the good are much better than the oreo cookie add on TV.

Ashley said...

Yes Ma'am! No really though, that is good to know... Haven't done much research so it's good to hear that from someone i trust!

Ashley said...

PS... did you see that picture of you on my blog... You look hot! You're welcome to a copy if you want on!

Layne & Kellie said...

I would vote NO if I lived in Utah. Thanks for the info. We get Utah channels I get confused which way people are supposed to go.

Natalie said...

It is nice to get the real story on this--I saw a bunch of signs when I was in Utah(for the day) over the weekend and wondered what was up!

buhlersdayoff said...

Way to represent!! My mom is definitely standing on her little soap box as well and she would be so proud!!

Justin said...

I keep going back and forth on this issue, so it's nice to hear what you think about it.

A Little Sass said...

Well Justin I hope you see the light and come to our side! :) Just think of it this way ... who does it benifit? A few of the wealthier people who want to send their kids to private school. And tell me why we are using tax dollars to do that?