I am loving the album A Fine Frenzy (thanks Karley). You all should check it out!
I was going through some saved phone messages the other day. I have a message from my niece Cloe from at least a year

PRINGLES, CHOCOLATE RAISINS, DIET COKE Yes ... all at the same time. These three make a perfect combination! You've got the salty, the sweet, and the bubbles to wash it down. Try it! You won't be disappointed.
One of the things I love about my house is how cozy and homey it is. I spent the weekend getting out my fall/Halloween decorations. On Saturday I had one of those rare afternoons where I was home for a few hours. I had the fireplace on, candles lit, bread sticks baking. It was so nice and cozy.
I love fall too... Except those really bitter COLD days. Your house looks darling, I'm going shopping with my mom tomorrow to get some fall decorations.. I have none. Wendy's house inspired me!! :) Fun to see you this weekend!
If I would have known there were breadsticks baking, I would have invited myself over.
Fall is also my favorite. I'm wishing that I weren't right in the middle of a move and I would also have my decor out! I'll just have to come see yours. That pic of chloe is darling. Love you!
I am loving your blog! I can't believe you are a blogger!! I WILL NOT JOIN THE MASSES but I do love to read up and get a regular dose of Sari drama- one of the best things in life. Come visit me :) luv you!
I had fun checking out your blog today! I'm so glad you like A Fine Frenzy -- I love it too! Those pictures of the trees are amazing! I LOVE fall!
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