February at a glance ...
(oh .. I kinda look old next to all these young girls and they have had babies! But look at how long my hair is!
yes, that would be Peter in the background ... is that still funny? I did giggle I admit)
Jennie and Peter had a little Valentine Fondue party. Why do we not do Fondue more often? I am not really a big chocolate person but it seems that most things are quite yummy dipped in chocolate!
yes, that would be Peter in the background ... is that still funny? I did giggle I admit)
Jennie and Peter had a little Valentine Fondue party. Why do we not do Fondue more often? I am not really a big chocolate person but it seems that most things are quite yummy dipped in chocolate!
Valentines 2010
Let me just preface this by saying that E is the BEST gift giver! Let me also say that he is a very hard person to shop for. After Christmas (totally bombed) there was just a little pressure. I think I came up with a pretty dang good gift! I got passes for us to go to the Olympic Park and do the Skeleton run. Fun ...right! (after all ...he did take me rock climbing on our first date) I am not really thinking Olympics 2014 but it was sure fun flying head first 40 mph on a sled. How could that not be fun? I loved when the instructor was telling us about our ride and said that it would take us about 25 seconds and E says, "I really think I can get that down to 19." oh boyfriend!
What did he get me????
Can you believe it! I am telling you ... he is the best gift giver!!! How did I get so lucky? We had had a conversation a couple weeks prior to V.D. about the perfect purse and what exactly makes the perfect purse. (why were we having that conversation? he asked how my meeting went that day and I told him that I had spent half of it online looking for 'the perfect purse' ... ) I am always on the look out for one ... and he found it ... or at least pretty darn close! Emily has already claimed it if "things don't work out with you two." kinda weird .. but ok.
(Utah Art Education Association)
E heads for China ... I head for St. George!
I taught a workshop at the UAEA conference last weekend. Pretty sure it was AMAZING! Ok, probably not ... but at least some people showed up and no one was mean to me. Teaching teachers is scary! I look kinda grown up don't I?
It is always nice to head south for a little warmth. It was 60 degrees for one of the days which felt great! I am SO done with winter!
I got to visit with Jill (duh ... no pictures?) We basically talked for like 15 hours.
(Utah Art Education Association)
E heads for China ... I head for St. George!
I taught a workshop at the UAEA conference last weekend. Pretty sure it was AMAZING! Ok, probably not ... but at least some people showed up and no one was mean to me. Teaching teachers is scary! I look kinda grown up don't I?

I got to visit with Jill (duh ... no pictures?) We basically talked for like 15 hours.
Love it! Good to know I could totally go to China and survive!
Ummmm pretty much jealous of this entire post!
The purse was good!! But your skeleton run!!!! Awesome... how fun was that! Good job.
Love, love, love the update! Glad things are good! XOX
I was DYING when I scrolled down a little I saw the strap of the purse and thought he got you a grannie bra as a joke! haha I was thinking he was pretty darn funny! The purse is a close second ;) What a nice guy! Can't wait to meet him :)
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