Friday, February 4, 2011


After nearly THREE years of teaching Relief Society I have been released. I have loved this calling. I have enjoyed the social interaction with the sisters in my ward BUT more importantly I have learned so much from this calling. I have a new respect and love for the conference talks given by our leaders. My life and my testimony have been very blessed in the last few years.

So what is my new calling? ..... NURSERY! {gasp} I know, I know! I will opening admit that I was NOT very happy or excited about his calling. I am trying to have a better attitude and find the "joy" that will come?. Wish me luck!


Brooke said...

Actually... nursery has always been one of my favorite callings! I think you will be surprised! Miss ya, you need to come stop by sometime!

Jessie said...

HA! This post made me really laugh out loud. I'm sure you'll be great. Can't wait to hear the stories.

Renee said...

I taught RS for three years as well and think it the best calling in the entire church. Good luck with nursery! I imagine you will be will just take some adjusting! :)

Amy said...

good luck with that. i'm so sorry that you got released from your calling. i love relief society.

Ashley said...

Oh man sar, get used to wiping a lot of cute, snotty noses:)!! You'll be great! I'm so sorry I've been such a lame friend and not gotten back to you. Ive been so overwhelmed. I miss you though. Stop by sometime on your way to your parents... We'd love to see you!!

Melissa said...

Teaching rs is the BEST calling! Once a month, can't get better then that ;) Here's my advice for nursery. (not that u asked)...I did NOT love it before I had kids. I really struggled to have a good attitude about it and felt like I was "babysitting" the parents never said "thanks" or even asked how their child did etc. After having kids and watching how much my kids learn (yes even in nursery) I was very humbled and realized the true importance of that calling. The kids learn so much more then you realize. You may feel they aren't listening, but they are. They recognize the spirit even at 18 months. So try to remember what a huge influence you have on them :) I know you will do awesome and the kids will LOVE you! I do think it is one of the hardest callings in certain ways, but also one of the best!

Jeanette said...

Oh and I did that calling, it almost did me in. I'm sure you will be fine. Many people love it. All I know is that you will have hilarious stories, so please share cuz I can't wait to read them!! :) Love you, remember you are the adult, you are in control!