Have you ever thought to yourself ... I wonder what would happen if ....
As I was walking out of a Subway Restaurant the door swung back and caught my foot (which hurts really bad for just a few minutes) and then I got in the car and sat for about 45 minutes? Well I thought I would find out for you ... and this is what happens!
As I was walking out of a Subway Restaurant the door swung back and caught my foot (which hurts really bad for just a few minutes) and then I got in the car and sat for about 45 minutes? Well I thought I would find out for you ... and this is what happens!
That is what I was thinking/freaking out about? Really?
This little incident happened on my way to St. George. I was going to be there one night, just over 24 hours. Not only did I pack my running clothes, but I actually got up (at 6:30) the one morning I was there (after a very late night) (with an injured foot) and went running! What? Weird! Seriously ... Who am I?
I think my foot is going to be fine! Thank goodness!!!
Sari, you are freakin awesome. That's who you are. You are a totally hot babe who runs even with a hurt foot. That's hard core. Sari is hard core.
My favorite part of this post is the part where you called me your super smart sister-in-law... unless you called Lisa for some advice on a hematoma!
Wow Sari! That foot is crazy! I'm glad you're going to be ok.
You ARE hardcore. Hardcore and awesome.
Let's bike together someday soon.
Wow!! So sorry, I hope you recover quick for all of that biking running and swimming you need to get to!
Sari, I feel even more related to you now. Sorry about the injury but the way it impacted you... or not, way cool
Sari, things like this are supposed to happen during the School year, not during the Summer! I am sorry, I know it is sad, but I had to laugh a little at your misfortune, ;)
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