Tuesday, May 4, 2010

"Miss C! Miss C! Miss C!"
If I hear "Miss C" one more time I could maybe freak out. I suspect that this is much what a mom feels like hearing "mom, mom, mom" all day.

3 1/2 weeks and I am Summer Sari and no one calls me "Miss C"


Sarah Shelley said...

As always, we look forward to our "summer" friends returning to us. My husband is very different in the summer. Very much looking forward to that. ;)

C*K*J said...

Yippee! I love Summer Sari!!
Can we please get together soon?!? I miss you!

Jeanette said...

Here's to summer Sari! :) Miss C can go hibernate in the school for 3 months ;)

Kat said...

you do realize the family will all call you miss c now! :) kidding. can't wait for summer sari at the pool - i actually see my cousin then!