Thursday, April 7, 2011

Not that easy ...

After my heart procedure I knew what it was like to 'feel good'. I don't think I realized how not good I had felt for so long. As a result I have become pretty pro-active with my health. The last couple months I have just not felt great. I am so tired. {Some of that might be my crazy busy schedule.} In chatting with my doctor about some issues (still trying to get some things balanced after my procedure) and concerns he suggested that I go gluten free for 90 days. I know several people who have done this simply for heath benefits. I will do it! I want to feel good and have energy and be healthy. I started doing a little research {I like these kind of challenges, it is an adventure} and thought it didn't seem like it was going to be that hard. You still have lots of options; fruit, veggies, protein, rice, corn, and a bunch of other grains. It does take some preparation and cooking at home. But seriously, it can't be that hard ... is what I was thinking. I decided to officially go gluten free on Monday. Um .. well ... shoot! It is way harder than I thought. I need to form new habits and some how gain some self-control! Easier said than done. In the four days of being gluten free, I have not actually gone a whole day being gluten free. I am officially rededicating myself to this challenge! I will keep you posted on how I am doing. If you have any great websites or recipes, I would love to hear them! I CAN do this!


PlusOne said...

Hey girl!

I could never do this...but probably should... I've heard it's great for your body.. Anyhoo... this is a blog I love and it just so happens that the author has gluten issues so most of her recipes are gluten free and they look fabulous.. Hope this helps!

Jessie said...

Sari! I am so intrigued to hear how your gluten free adventure goes. Have you ever tried Larabars? They are yummy AND gluten free. They can be a little expensive, but every now and again I find them on sale for $1 each at Smith in their natural foods section and I stock up. They are a good treat or a fast meal replacement (I eat them a lot for breakfast when I'm in a hurry). Good luck! You are a better woman than I. :) PS: I need to have you over so you can see all my pottery creations. I'm still taking a community ed class.

Jeanette said...

Sari, I actually have been thinking about "gluten free" diets for the past week. I heard an interview where the guy was saying that many people need gluten free diets, that everything these days is made with gluten, where previously things weren't. If you can keep it up, I'm interested to hear of your progress. Good luck!!!

Jeanette said...

Sar, have you seen this blog also, looks delish!