A special Valentines Day message from my Bestie!

Hi all!! I'm Kimi, I first started seeing a cardiologist at age 14. My symptoms were
inconsistent and although I couldn't exactly keep up with my peers, I
never really sat on the sidelines. As I reached adulthood, I would spend
a day each August completing a treadmill test and EKG, then spend the
next 364 days forgetting all about it. However, in 2011, my health began
to quickly decline, and I spent most of a year searching for a correct
diagnosis and treatment plan. I never would have guessed that I would
find myself hoping to qualify for a heart transplant, but in June of
2012, it became an answered prayer.
Of all of the thoughts and feelings this experience has brought me, one
of the most interesting has been that I think about my donor a lot. Not
just every day, but multiple times a day. And I'm surprised, because I
didn't think I would feel this kind of a connection until after it
happened. See...I'm still waiting for a donor...251 days to be exact.
I have been concerned about my donor since the very first day. In fact,
during the winter holidays, I started hoping that it wouldn't happen
because I didn't want things to to be dreary for the donor's family
during this, and future, Christmas seasons. I regularly think about what
my donor might be doing right now, and I hope for the very best things.
As I say 'I love you' to friends and family, I hope moments to say 'I
love you' are embraced by my donor. When I share an entertaining
conversation with a friend, I hope that my donor gets to laugh a lot. As
I organize paperwork and account information, I hope that loose ends
are tied up regarding important issues for my donor. As I feel peace and
patience in the wait, I hope that my donor is also encompassed in
I think about this so often because my donor is most likely young, and
active, and believes that the next 60+ years are full of possibilities.
My donor has close, significant relationships, and very likely has
children. My donor is healthy. My donor may have never considered being a
donor, and my donor's family might have no instinct to make that
decision in his or her behalf.
In light of that possibility, I thought it might benefit many people if I
could address some of the urban legends that sometimes turn off
potential donors...
Myth: If you are an organ donor, medical staff won't try as hard to save your life.
Truth: Medical personnel's first priority is to do everything
they can to save you as the patient. They do not have access to your
donor status details, and donation is not discussed until every life
saving option is exhausted.
Myth: Age or medical history (such as diabetes, cancer, medications) prevent individuals from qualifying as an organ or tissue donor.
Truth: Anyone can be a organ or tissue donor. Eligibility is
determined case by case, by the appropriate procurement organization.
Even I am a donor...my heart is trash, but my kidneys and liver have
proven themselves to be rock stars, and anyone would be lucky to have
Myth: There are plenty of existing donors for those who are awaiting organ transplant.
Truth: Only about 2% of deaths have the potential to become organ
donors, but not all of that 2% are registered to do so. One donor can
save up to nine lives through organ donation, and decrease the thousands
of people who die every year on the waiting list.
Myth: If you check donor on your driver's license, it will be obvious how things should be handled, if that time comes.
Truth: Hospital procedures regarding organ donation vary
from state to state. In most cases, the medical staff will consult with
the patient's family about the wishes and intentions regarding donation.
If you are currently registered as a potential donor, or are interested
in doing so, please have this discussion with them. Imagine the comfort
your family would have knowing that they are following your desires.
Myth: My religion does not approve of organ donation.
Truth: Nearly every religion in the U.S. officially supports
organ and tissue donation and views donation as an act of compassion and
Myth: I wrote this in hopes of selfishly enlisting my own donor.
Truth: I hope that my words might impact one person to decide to
be an organ and tissue donor. After eight months of waiting, I have come
to terms with the idea that it might not happen for me, but maybe there
will be some meaning in my experience that can positively impact the
lives of others.
If you are an organ donor, chances are there will come a time when a
potential beneficiary begins to think a lot about you. You will become
the recipient of prayer, appreciation, and concern from an individual
who is fighting for a chance at a better life. That recipient will spend
a lot of time and effort to be worthy of your charity, and will spend a
moment every day, for the rest of their 'second chance', expressing
gratitude for the gift you have given.
More information is available here:
Register to be a donor now:
For Utah residents: http://www.yesutah.org/
I know, she is pretty amazing! I am lucky to have her in my life and to have such a great friend. I have learned so much from her. Oh and she is way fun! If you will add Kim to your prayers I would appreciate it. I would like to keep her around for a long time!
Happy Valentines Day!
Happy Valentines Day!
Beautifully said. We love Kim too!! Many little prayers sent through our roof every day.
This is SO beautifully written, needs to be published... prayers for KIM!
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