Monday, December 10, 2007


My sister "tagged" me. Apparently that means that you have to write 6 little known facts about yourself. Then tag someone else. One of my sister's tagged the other sister six times .. so she would have to write 36 things. She got about half way and then tagged me with the other half. I don't usually do these kinds of thing but 1. I am a very competitive person. So I am basically doing this to out do the ones that have gone before.

2. I do NOT have a placenta in my freezer nor will I EVER have a placenta in my freezer. (for further explanation see my sister's blogs.

3. I am the tallest girl in my family ... making me 5'4"

4. I have been to 21 countries and 40 states.

5. I hate peppers.

6. Most of the words on my "words I don't like list" start with the letter "P"

7. I was born with a very good self-esteem. If you know much about my life you know why I would say that.

8. I secretly love the band Air Supply. Actually ... it really isn't so secret.

9. My favorite snack is Pringles, Diet Coke, and chocolate covered raisins .... all together.

10. My biggest pet peeve is when people waste my time! Oh I just hate that!

11. I love to scuba dive!!!

12. I am really really scared of bears! This fear has gotten worse and has really put a damper on hiking ... which I love to do.

13. I am 100% financially independent. (that is for a few certain people who think my parents fund parts of my life)

14. My biggest fear (bigger than bears) is being alone forever. Maybe that is why I am nearly 33 and "alone".

15. Last one ... I HATE talking animals!

Ok .. sister, is that enough to cover ya? Pretty much what you will get out of this is that I am the coolest girl you know! For the sake of keeping this little game going I am going to tag my brother Peter. I would include my brother Josh but he doesn't have a blog nor does he actually read blogs.


Unknown said...

Well done sister. I would like to add to my list #7: My biggest source of anxiety is the color of your background. That is anxiety red. I knew most of those, but bears? I had no idea... hmm, I'm thinking of a Christmas present... do they make bear repellants?

Renee said...

You crack me up! I enjoyed reading those few facts about you. One thing is for sure, you haven't lost your spunk! I love it!

Chandra said...

Love you Sari!

Cassandra Barney said...

Yes very well done...or shall I say "bueno" because I'm practicing my spanish.
You forgot to mention "anxiety lighting." That's funny!