Thursday, June 26, 2008

For those of you who are not married you know how hard it is at this stage of the game to meet people. For those of you who are married ... just be glad you are not in the dating game anymore! In attempts to try and meet people I am on a website called ldslinkup. This is a letter that I got from a guy the other day. Just to preface this .... I don't know this person, I have not had any contact him. You should also know that on my profile it has a section called "interest" where I have written, "I LOVE to travel and I LOVE diet coke! So here is the email I got from him.

Anyone ever tell you that stuff's bad for you? The Diet Coke you say you love. You know... like maybe the prophet, or leaders of the church you belong to... or just plain old hard research?Maybe it's none of my business... but frankly I'm a bit taken back that a member... and a teacher who is supposedly educated and even athletic... aparently doesn't know any better. Do you even know what happens to Aspartame when it enters the body? Have you ever bothered to even look it up on the internet and find out? Do you ever question anything as an educator?Well in case you haven't... I'll tell you straight out. It turns into a chrystaline wood-like substance that CAN NOT be removed from the body once it is inside.Aspartame has been linked to cancer in rats, and causes MS symptoms in people with prolonged use. It's also rumored to be one of the causes of Toxic Shock syndrome that many of our military men have been sent home from Iraq for. Maybe you don't think it's any of my business what you put in your body. And maybe your right... I wonder if you say the same thing about the bretheren of the church who have warned against it for years?Just a thought...

Are you kidding me? Who does this guy think he is? Of course I wrote back and defended my self a bit. Also telling this person how judgmental they are. Here is his response to that ...

Call it what you want... it sure sounds like more rationalization to me. One diet coke a day? Who do you think you're kidding?Funny... most people (adults anyway), tend to drop a subject and ignore information that doesn't suit them. I must have really touched a nerve! Sorry if I upset you... or made you cry. I used to think that teachers were some of the coolest people on the planet... My mistake I suppose.Gotta LOVE Apathy... it's a great rationalization tool! Probably one of the best!!!You should work on not taking everything people say or write to you so seriously. That's a very unattractive quality!

Yeah ... so there you have it. That is what is left for us who didn't get married in our 20's! Heaven help us and bless our hearts! Please tell me there is at least one normal guy still out there!


Beckie said...

He's a KEEPER! Gotta love the linkup guy who's trolling around looking for fights online! I bet he gets nosebleeds from being up there on such a high horse!

mylittlegems said...

OK that is hysterical. I guess I am going to die from all the Diet Dr. Pepper I drink- and drank when pregnant! My grandparents drink diet soda constantly and you know- they are amazing- in their 80's and running marathons, etc. That guy has seriously got some issues- and Sari, there are some normal ones out there- (read the book the Surrendered Single by Laura Doyle!- it worked for me:)) love ya girl...hang in there- I still can't believe a real person actually wrote that- he needs help...

Morgan said...

you've GOT to be kidding me. that guy needs a life, big time!

Laura Mayer said...

hang in there sari...been there. I think of you often a single girl in married mormon land.Come visit this summer with your sister and make something super cool.Love, lala

mel said...

Maybe that's why I'm still single too.....I too LOVE diet Coke!

IronLawGirl said...

WOW!! That guy is awesome!

Julie H. said...

OH...MY...GOSH. I'm laughing so hard right now. I can't believe that guy wrote that to you. Big, BIG loser.
We missed you in Palm Springs. We for sure have to do it again! LYG

Chandra said...

You should tell him that there are other ways of getting TSS, just look at a tampon box... oh wait, he's probably never been NEAR a girl before, let alone feminine products....

Kat said...

Please send this response to him from your cousin, "No wonder you're not married." Enough said.

Also, could someone please teach this genius he thinks he is the difference between your and you're?

Kari said...

I am dying right now! I can not believe someone would write that. They must have a lot of time on their hands to be out saving mormon diet coke drinkers! What!

Kari said...

I am dying right now! I can not believe someone would write that. They must have a lot of time on their hands to be out saving mormon diet coke drinkers! What!

Unknown said...

I'm laughing cuz of Kats comment! I was going to say the same thing about your & you're! All I can say is, "what a LOSER!" People that spend their time judging other people BUG me SO bad! They are just as evil if not more evil then the so called "sinner" in my mind! I just keep thinking/hoping that was just a joke in their mind and that they just wanted to get you worked up. Either way, they are just plain retarded! I can help you type a response to them ;) starts with an F and ends with a U

Unknown said...

I almost think it would have been funny to have responded and say, "NO! I've never heard it was bad for you!???? Oh my gosh! I'll stop right now!" RETARD!

C*K*J said...

ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I almost can't believe that it is real story (unfortunatley I know better, I've been there)...
What the !?!?? is the matter with people?
Hmmm...looks like it's time for my morning DC...CHEERS!

Natalie said...

People like that make me think I'm not so weird afterall because that one is totally nuts!

Shannon said...

I love that in one day you have already gotten the most comments EVER!! I will just say ditto to all of the above, and pretty sure he is the sinner going straight to double hocky sticks for being such a complete moron. Ewww if only I knew where he lived, I'd give him a piece.BTW We missed you missed you at Palm Springs... but think we will be goin again in the fall, and as usual I am totally in!

Renee said...

Oh wow! That is funny but not really. I guess I am going straight to HELL considering the fact that I have been to the local gas station TWICE today for my Diet Coke. What is it with people!???

Sampson Family said...

I think that you should post his info from LDS link up and let everyone give him a piece of our minds. Missed you last weekend! You had better be there next time!

Layne & Kellie said...

What a troll! Does he really think that being such an I-D-I-O-T really attracts women? He probably only drinks water and milk... and lives at home with his mamma.

Lisa said...

So I found your blog and what a time to tune in - that was hilarious. Some people have so much nerve it's going to be their downfall! I can't stop laughing - oh you deserve soooo much better!

kesli said...

Wow! I don't know what to say other than thanks for sharing.

chloe said...

I used to think it was the DC keeping me single. In fact, I have come to the conclusion that it's my swearing. If only I could kick both habits, then maybe I'd be lucky enough to find some self-righteous prick willing to marry me. Oh wait, I forgot about the fact that I'm educated. No undoing that one.

I'm screwed...or not, as it were.

P.S Your blog is fabulous!

jennie said...

Shocking. I'm not even a drinker, and I'm worked up. Wouldn't it be funny if there were a way for you to make that convo public on LDS link up so everyone could see how psycho he is???

Stinsonian said...

This is hilarious! What a catch. I'm not sure why he has connected drinking Diet Coke to being a bad school teacher... or whatever he claims. What a loser! And when did the "Brethren" warn us against aspartame?? Maybe I missed that...

Marsha Lueck said...

In-ter-est-ing!Yeah, dito to all the comments!!! I am so sorry you have to deal with dorks like that, I asure you the prophet himself would shake his head at such garbage! You go girl