Sunday, June 1, 2008

Two weeks!!! I have not posted in two weeks. No, I have not been off on a wonderfully, exotic adventure. I simply have been very busy and sick! I am officially done with my 6th year of teaching. I can't believe that another year and has come and gone. Winding down a school year is a lot of work and stress and business along with some fun. There is also a very emotional aspect to ending a school year. Only other teachers will understand this. Unconsciously I get quit attached to my students. If you think about it a teacher spends more time with their students than most of their parents do. With some of my students I become very involved in their lives. I know their friends & enemy's. I know about their ups and downs. I become a confidant and for some a mother figure. And then ... in the matter of a graduation ceremony it all ends. I will never see most of these kids again. And while I am excited for their futures and all that there lives have in store for them there is a sense of loss that comes with the closing of a school year. I do tend to get over it rather quickly as I realize that I am FREE! I am free for 2 1/2 months. Oh how I do love my summers. I need this time to recoup and get excited about teaching again. Some how my heart lets go of those past students and makes room for the new kids that envelope my life!

Now for the sick part. I have not been sick all year. I did not take one sick day! This is the first year of being a teacher that I did not get strep throat. And then the last week of school. The busiest week, the one week I simply can't take a sick day ... I get sick! It has been such a drag. I feel that I am on the mend. I sure hope so because I am off the New York City tomorrow and can't be dragged down by being sick. So I am off for another week and then shall return with lots to blog about!


Shannon said...

I kinda get all that... from a mother's perspective, I get attatched to my kids teachers too. They are ALWAYS so emotional on the last day of school.(as am I!!) It makes me sad for you wonderful teachers that truly love those kids! Your awesome! Have a great vacation, you deserve it!

Ashley said...

Have so much fun in NYC!!!! Hope you feel better really, really soon!

Jared and Jenny said...

Kay, Sari. I blog-stalked you off Kari's blog! I've finally joined the blogging world and have one of my own. Mine is private, but I'd love to "invite" you to blog-stalk my family if you want! E-mail me at if your interested in being my blog buddy!! Jenny