Provo City 5K
If you have a picture of yourself running through a finish line, with a race number pinned to your leg,and a "Rocky" fist pumped in the air can you officially call yourself a runner?
About a month ago Jennie asked me if I would run a 5K with her. She had some fitness goals she had set for herself and thought this was a good place to start. She thought having a buddy might help her stick to it. Sure! Why not? I am always up for a good challenge! Now some of you are scoffing at the idea that a 5K is a challenge. Well for some of us it is! I came to discover over the course of the last month what a challenge it actually was for my little body. There are several, many, most thing that come more natural to me than running!

**surprise M I "ran" a race!
Hooray! Love your photos - and you're a trooper to go in that weather!
YAY! Congrats Sari! What race is next? Think I could be ready by May??? RIGHT!
Wow. I can't believe what I'm seeing. Way to go Sari. I'm so proud of you and glad to hear you are going to do another race. You look awesome! Good Job!
Aaaaw Sarianne, I'm SOOO proud. Brings tears to my eyes to see my girl join the running world!! Hooray!
way to go! hey, you gotta start somewhere. you look fabulous too! by the way, i really like your hair these days. for awhile, i couldn't find you in your pictures because i was so used to the short, dark hair. but i finally figured it out, and it looks great!
Your the best! Thanks for your help in accomplishing my goal!!! I feel like a million bucks, don't you??
Love the photos...crazy that its APRIL and you ran in snowy and cold weather. Can I just say that you both look so thin!!! Good for you!
If you keep running there wont be any of you left! :-) Way to go with the race! Makes me feel like MAYBE I could do that too! :-) You look fantastic! And yes, you ARE a runner!
Way to go Sari! I am still impressed with all your swimming :) I am a runner, but have never been a swimmer -like you! You go girl! Run hard for me- since I'm 6m pregnant :)
Congrats! Find one in June so I can come!
Waita go Sari! The Rocky fist pump picture is awesome (when I read your comment the Rocky theme immediately started playing in my head).
Awesome! What a fun goal. I bet you ladies had a great time running with each other.
And I loath Wal-Mart too for all the same reasons. It took them 12 employees and over an hour to return a defective phone charger (for which I had a receipt!) that only cost 14 dollars. Why not just give me my $14 and THEN ask every employee in the store how to enter the transaction after I've left?
Sari--- I am so proud of you! Another friend to take up running... pretty soon I'll be left in the dust! :)
Way to go! I havte running, especially in the cold! So you are the woman!
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