Thursday, April 2, 2009

Wa!-Mart is Soo Awesome

If you know me at ALL you know how I feel about Wa!Mart. I have very legitimate reasons for my feelings ... the smell for one. Wa!mart smells .. it just does! But that is not what this is about. I mentioned in my post about my visit to Beckie's the gift card to Wa!mart I was given for a teacher award I received at the beginning of the year ... I spent part of it on an Ipod shuffle. Ringing a bell? Anyway, I still had about $45 left of this gift card. So I have been making a little list of things that I need and figured I would use the rest of that money and be done with it once and for all .. finally! So last night I psyched myself up for my trip to the Wa!mart! (I really dislike it that much) I pull into the parking lot which is a nightmare in and of itself! Right across the isle is a creepy guy just sitting in his truck watching me .. weird but whatever. I go to walk in and just as I am reaching the doors two males, maybe 19 years old, big baggy clothes, hats on backward, are walking out. Just as they hit the doors a Wa!mart employee (vest and all) and a plain clothes guy come busting after them. The plain clothes guy is forcefully, but not yelling, trying not to make a scene I am sure, telling them to stop right where they are. Then he starts saying things like, "just give them up!" "we know that you have cd's off the $5 stand" "we saw you take them!" All of this is happening as I am walking by, I am trying to get out of the way sorta afraid that the thugs are going to pull out a gun or something .. cause that is the kind of thing that happens at the Wa!mart! Sure enough the thugs reach into their big baggy pants and start pulling out the cds (not a gun)! Not even kidding! So apparently Wa!mart has plain clothes guys that just walk around the store watching people???

I get my cart and start grabbing my stuff. Of course it is crowded and a mess and it stinks .. no really it does! I am over in the food section and I am next to some guy and his phone rings. All flustered he sets his stuff down answers his phone and starts yelling, "you don't have to keep calling me!" and then hangs up on on the person. What? Who does that? I go to check out and I am not even going to talk about the person working the check out .. just use your imagination. Of course they can't get the gift card to work .. the register starts beeping and the employee just keeps pushing buttons which makes the machine beep more, and I think louder but I might have been imagining that part. So finally a manager has to come over. Puts a key in, pushes lots of buttons blah blah blah finally ..... "Ok, it looks like you have $2.43 left on your gift card." Are you kidding me!

To top it all off .... on my out, the very nice Wa!mat greeter had the nerve to ask ME to see my receipt! Oh, and, the creepy guy in the truck was still there! I think I will let Wa!mart keep it's $2.43!


Ashley said...

That's hilarious! Ya, just reading this makes me dislike Walmart even more... funny

Kimi D said...

Your biggest mistake is spending any time in the food section...NEVER spend time in the food section!!!

jd said...

you don't have to go traveling anymore for good story anecdotes, sar-- just to WalMart! Phew.

btw, they have to give you that $2.43 in cash. It's a law that went into effect last year; any gift card with less that $10 on it ($9.99 or less), they have to cash out. It was ruled 'horrible'(unlawful) that you couldn't do that before, because then you'd have to pay MORE money just to be able to buy something with the pittance left... and businesses were either getting more money from that, or undue "free" money because people wouldn't redeem their balances.

Oh. I just checked. That's a California law. Sorry, Utah! :)

Kat said...

i think everyone who blogs has an official "I hate walmart" post. yes, it really is that bad, and yes, anything and everything happens there.

Jessie said...

LOL! Typical Walmart. Thanks for the laugh!

C*K*J said...

hahaha! This post literally made me laugh out loud! Loved it and love you!