Sunday, January 29, 2012

Congratulations... me! So apparently blogging about wanting an answer works! I got my long awaited letter in the mail that day. My heart leaped when I saw that BYU envelope in my mailbox. It's official! I have been accepted into to LPP (leadership preparation program) at Brigham Young University. It is a masters in education. I am excited ... and kinda terrified all at once. A lot of changes are coming my way! More on that later.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Renee said...

Of course you got in! Congrats. I can't wait to hear what adventures this "change" will bring! Way to go Sari! P.S. Does Jill have a blog?

rebecca said...

Congratulatioins, Sari!!!! How exciting!!!!

christy said...

Great job! So excited for you. Change is good- always stretching. Love u!