There is something about this time of year that makes me turn very domestic ... well as domestic as I ever get. For the second year in a row
(does that make it a tradition?) my sisters and I gather at my mom's house to spend a day, an
entire day to bottle spaghetti sauce. Almost everything is garden fresh. They both grew the most impressive gardens this year.

It is a lot of work but so worth it. It is the most delicious spaghetti sauce you have tasted. We thoroughly enjoy our day together. Chatting and laughing and discussing life. How I love my sisters and these times we spend together.
(what a cheerful caner I am)
Our good friend and neighbor Laura Ann joined us this year.

I have also bottled salsa ... and some more salsa ...what else do you do with lugs and bushels of tomatoes?

My mom and I bottled her famous dill pickles.
Aren't they pretty. They are the best dill pickles you will ever taste!
I also made Spicy Peach jam and Strawberry Rhubarb jam. I am on a caning frenzy I tell ya!
I LOVE the strawberry rhubarb jam, and i have some peach butter for you, and i am SOOOOO glad you did pickles....that is if i get one once in a while! ;)
Yup, it looks pretty darn savory over there! We definitely have tomatoe envy!
YEAH! Love this post... and LOVE THAT SAUCE!
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