.... hike Timp ... check!
I have lived in Utah my entire life and I have never hiked Timp. It is something that has been on my "To Do Before I Die List" (you all have a to do before you die list ...right?) for years. My Dad agreed to hike to the summit with me one last time. So we picked the perfect date ...
Today is my Dad's 67th birthday!
He is pretty impressive don't you think.

I was extra determined to do this hike this year. Because of my heart procedure I had to drop out of the Alcatraz race and out of doing a triathlon. I just wanted to do one "event" ... to accomplish something. So five days after my two month mark I did a 14 mile hike to over 11,100 feet!
I was extra determined to do this hike this year. Because of my heart procedure I had to drop out of the Alcatraz race and out of doing a triathlon. I just wanted to do one "event" ... to accomplish something. So five days after my two month mark I did a 14 mile hike to over 11,100 feet!
Our good friend Mark did the hike with us. Mark has known me since I was 3 years old and has done this hike with my Dad a couple of times. I will always remember Mark calling me
Mark made me do it!
Thanks Dad for taking me up! by the way.... my new and improved heart did great! I love the thing!

You guys are so cool. I would say, "wish I could have been there," but I'm trying not to say that anymore at the risk of sounding too repetitive.
AWESOME! The pictures are great and I am so glad you and your new heart were triumphant!!
Sari, I'm so glad to hear your heart is doing good :)
Thanks for sharing your hike- I miss Timp! I hiked it for my first time when I was 12, and have done it every year that I have been in UT since then. So since I haven't done it for quite some time, it was fun to see the photos. You look great! Glad you are doing well! Tell your dad HI - he looks great too :)
You are amazing and how awesome that you did it with your dad!
FUN! You are amazing Sari! And your Dad! Woowee! Do you think I could get my dad up there!? ha ha
I am so excited to live closer to you and share in some of your adventures! I secretly want to join your bike riding club. :-)
Love you Sar!
hi sari, can you email me the pic of the 'fin'? it won't enlarge when i click on it.
the only soreness i had the day after was at the base of my right fibula, that bone that sticks out of the ankle. my shoe on that side must have rubbed it the wrong way.
thanks, that was way fun (except that part where you have to come down.)
Stewart will be very jealous. He loves this hike!
that photo of you and your dad on the edge is giving me queasy feet.
so proud of you!! And your DAD, he so rocks!
I hiked Timp once when I was about 13. I've been dying to go back up ever since, so thanks for posting these pictures to remind me of how beautiful it is!
Wish we could have been there! I'm so proud of you!!!
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