Friday, August 21, 2009

New and Improved!

This is a picture of the inside of my heart and the devise that closed the hole. It is about 24 mm.
My new and improved heart!
I had my one month heart check up this week. My echo-tech opened my chart and the first thing he said was, "whoa you had a big hole in your heart! Do you know how big that was?"
He did my echo and everything is looking good and I have been taken off all restrictions! I can start exercising again!!! Yipee! (if you check my blog you know how excited I am to be back!)
Because of the size of the devise that was used to fix my hole I am having some palpitations as my activity has increased. This is pretty normal. They have me taking 800 mg of Ibuprofen 2-3x/day to keep the inflammation down. If this doesn't work than we will have to try something else. It is a little frustrating not be feeling 100%. When the nurse was talking to me she kept emphasizing how BIG the devise is they had to use and that I am just going to have to ease back into things. Ok, ok!


C*K*J said...

I'm still amazed at what they can do with modern medicine! I'm so glad you've been given the ok!

We need to plan Girls Night soon! Its been a while! :)

kesli said...

We are so glad to hear you are doing well. What a scary, crazy thing to have to deal with. So when will you be ready to do a triathlon? After watching Ryan, I am already impressed you want to do one. Good luck!

jd said...

seriously-- who else has a photo of the inside of their HEART??! You are so so cool!

(and I'm so so glad you are all better! :)

Mark Robison said...

hey sari, why won't your sbr blog accept comments?

Paige Taylor Evans said...

Are you still getting headaches?? I hope not. I still can't believe how big that hole was, crazy! And that comment your student made about you not feeling well!?! The nerve of some kids :)