My new and improved heart!
I had my one month heart check up this week. My echo-tech opened my chart and the first thing he said was, "whoa you had a big hole in your heart! Do you know how big that was?"
He did my echo and everything is looking good and I have been taken off all restrictions! I can start exercising again!!! Yipee! (if you check my sbr-sari.blogspot.com blog you know how excited I am to be back!)
Because of the size of the devise that was used to fix my hole I am having some palpitations as my activity has increased. This is pretty normal. They have me taking 800 mg of Ibuprofen 2-3x/day to keep the inflammation down. If this doesn't work than we will have to try something else. It is a little frustrating not be feeling 100%. When the nurse was talking to me she kept emphasizing how BIG the devise is they had to use and that I am just going to have to ease back into things. Ok, ok!
I'm still amazed at what they can do with modern medicine! I'm so glad you've been given the ok!
We need to plan Girls Night soon! Its been a while! :)
We are so glad to hear you are doing well. What a scary, crazy thing to have to deal with. So when will you be ready to do a triathlon? After watching Ryan, I am already impressed you want to do one. Good luck!
seriously-- who else has a photo of the inside of their HEART??! You are so so cool!
(and I'm so so glad you are all better! :)
hey sari, why won't your sbr blog accept comments?
Are you still getting headaches?? I hope not. I still can't believe how big that hole was, crazy! And that comment your student made about you not feeling well!?! The nerve of some kids :)
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